Sunday, March 1, 2009

With the economy in the crapper, I've been searching for some older work to post related to my thoughts about capitalism. I found a few that I produced onto skateboards in the 1990's under raped inc. Luckily, I also found my noted for this graphic as well. "Always keep the originals of your artwork. Always make a copy. Always send the copy to production in case something goes wrong. The climb of the cooperate ladder created many problems, most difficult being the loss of the original artwork that I foolishly sent to the printer where it was misplaced. In hindsight, it would have been worthwhile to redraw the bodies entirely, but as luck would have it I only mailed the background stock market numbers. If I had the chance to do this over again, I would have drawn the bodies directly onto the newspaper. At this point (2000), raped inc. was losing it's fire, and rather than make a meaningless graphic, I decided to end it after 12 boards and five years. I had grown tired of debating with people about how irresponsible I was for using the word raped for "commercial profit and other nonsense." Besides, I had said everything I wanted to with raped inc. and wanted to do something different. The inspiration for the composition of bodies came from Gericaut's The Raft of Medusa, 1819.

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