Sunday, September 30, 2007

Lust, Greed, and the Olive Garden

Continuing with the Seven Deadly Sins and Christ, Lust is pictured here depicting a male figure in bed awaken by skeletal ghouls and ghostly camera men to shoot a hellish porno. A few months after completing this painting, I went back in and added some drapery and a snake coilled around the tree limbs. This panel actually works as an addition to the Pride panel if placed directly below. The base of the cross lines up with the branches above the bed, something I hadn't intended to do, but it just worked out that way.

Greedy Grave is the first of the Sins panels completed the summer of 2006. Gambling was chosen simply because it is an activity what everyone recognizes and feeds off of greed, otherwise it wouldn't exist. Why I would paint a man playing poker with a table full of skeletons makes no sense, other than the possibility that he is playing for his soul, but you can read the painting however you like.

Last Call was the last painting of the summer session and took about 2 weeks of working late to finish. Based on the last supper, I wanted to seat Jesus at a typical family restaurant like the Olive Garden and surround him with death. I can't help but think that as time went on, Jesus could help but see all those surrounding him as the dead, or the living just waiting for death. To an extent this applies to him as well knowing the outcome of his time on earth was closing in.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Rock and Roll Crucifix 2006

Working in series has always been and important part of developing a body of art for me since my undergrad studies at UGA. The painting to the left titled Pride, is one of a series of seven oil on wood panel paintings depicting the seven deadly sins told through the life of christ. The paintings measure 24" x 24" and portray christ as the embodiment of mankind's shortcomings, surrounded by skeletons who represent those who tempt and celebrate failure. These skeletons lack flesh and skin because of the endless ways in which bad behavior can manifest itself. It would be ridiculous to say that my decision to paint skeletons was purely aesthetic, because anyone who's painting one knows how much fun it can be. Inspiration for these paintings consist of theology, iconography, and record album artwork, which is evident in the size 24"x24", twice the size of an album. More of this series will be posted in the new future, as well as newer work from Uarts.